Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Partly Cloudy but a hope for sunshine

It might be that my mood has been compromised this morning because it is seriously partly cloudy in the NW. Seriously partly cloudy is a weather term that I'm proud to say I coined. It means 80% clouds with 90% humidity, 5% blue sky, and a passive/aggressive breeze;just enough to cause the tops of trees to sway slightly. It is a high humidity wind that doesn't soak you all at once but it adds moisture to your sweater one molecule at a time. It whispers that you're getting cold, maybe hypothermic, because of your belief system not because the wind chill is low and you're soaked through after a couple of hours in the wind.

I don't think that it is the cloudy weather that is influencing my mood. I think it is that I've been brooding about being profiled yet again at the SLC international airport. The last time was at the Las Vegas airport coming home from a business trip in western Arizona. That time they used a very attractive young woman who wore the security uniform quite well and who was all about smiling. She walked down the line waiting to go through security and asked the more olive-skinned and darker passengers if: "they were having a good day" and while reaching for their ticket: "can I help you with your ticket?" "Oh I see you're going to visit the middle east/Mexico/etc. Have you been visiting our country for very long?" etc. On occasion based on some sign that I couldn't see her give other TSA employees would also visit with certain passengers. They didn't seem to be as pleasant. When she came to me and went through her spiel I told her I was going back home to Utah and thought but did not say: "I'm technically an illegal alien. My family came to what is now the United States well before the Pilgrims bumped into a rock in the NE. They've been here since the middle of the 16th century. But better sense prevailed. I knew I didn't have time to win that fight so I smiled back and handed her my ticket.

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