Friday, July 22, 2011

Don't ride your bicycle when you're pissed at Congress

All of this past week I've been so angry at Congress and the President--re: the debt limit--that I've almost been hit or have almost hit a car several times. It might have been safer had I been riding and talking or texting on a cell phone. I am not only distracted I'm, at times, shaking with rage. And my rage is not just aimed at leaders in D.C., some or much of it is aimed at we citizens.
We lack knowledge of how our government works and we lack the courage to step up and change it. Clearly both parties are compromised by big business interests (the Democrats sleep on the left side of the bed, the Republicans on the right and the whore, big business, sleeps between them), lobby groups, and extremists organizations--tea party--who hide behind "we the people" while they take pictures of politicians being jerked off by the "whore."
One of my mentors, Fred Winkler, often used a bell curve as a metaphor. I have, since, likewise used it. The two parties and their various masters and sycophants occupy the tails of the curve of normal distribution. They are walled off by the money poured at them by special interests. Ironically, the tea party--mostly loud-mouthed, working class people, who see a black President as an opportunity to practice more overt racism--do not understand that the only reason Congress is listening is that the noise coming from the extreme right doesn't conflict with the goals of big business---yet!  When the Republican party doesn't find the tea party rhetoric supportive they will drop the tea party like a dose of the clap!
Citizens--the bulge in the curve of normal distribution--give tacit approval to political shenanigans because most of them are  busy making the mortgage payment, worrying about college for their kids, and they do not understand the power that the mass at the people in the middle of the curve have. I don't know if politicians have ever really been honest and this is not the first time in our history that leaders have clearly demonstrated that they could care less about our needs and are instead openly focused on the profit margin of their masters and posturing for power.
But we are the problem. We have put up with this ever increasing slide towards chaos, because we have  misapplied trust, we practice intellectual sloth, and operate inside of a protective shell of seeming indifference. However, there is opportunity in the discord and chaos!!

What would happen if like minded if people with the following agenda got together to find ways to get heard, make change?
 --were not pointing fingers at the other side;
--were interested in continued involvment;
--wanted to long-term solutions for the woes of our country;
--were willing to put aside party politics;
--were willing to have dialogue without discord;
--were willing to put aside special interests in the name of solving the monster problems of the country--Environment, debt, gov waste, bloated government, taxes,
What would happen if these people looked for opportunities and then found people to run for office who would agree to:
four terms for representatives and two for senators
not take money or favors from PACs, Lobbyists, or special interests
would regularly check back with the voters--regardless of party affiliation--to both inform and be informed
would not engage in mud-slinging

Wow! Maybe I should check myself into a clinic and get my urine checked!!

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