Sunday, May 22, 2011

Denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance

May 21st came and went. Not even one small tremor. From the Associated Press: "It's still May 21, and god's going to bring it," said Family Radio's special-projects coordinator, Michael Garcia, who spent Saturday morning praying and drinking two last cups of coffee with his wife at home in Alameda California. (What? No coffee in heaven? Is it true that the Mormons also own heaven?)

It is, in some small way, the end of the world for some if not many of Reverend Camping's followers. It has been reported that some quit their jobs, gave away all that they owned, and waited and waited for the rapture. Having put all of their faith in yet another con-man is sad. An investment of faith in anything is a huge investment. It puts one in a highly vulnerable position. In a way it is like putting all of your poker chips on the don't pass line on a craps table. If you win, you might win big but if you lose you have nothing including your dignity and self-esteem. Losing trust is losing big. Each of us has put our trust in someone who has taken advantage of the situation. People say they will do something and not do it. Some just walk away with your investment of trust like it was owed to them.  Often these types of people do not look at your circumstances, do not try to understand, and only think about what's in it for them. The are the poster child for Zero Sum. It is these people who manifest Machiavellian indifference to anything outside of their own existence.These people make great salesmen. When they become leaders in an organization they lead with fear and intimidation. This behavior leaks out into their family lives and into their friendships. Ultimately I think many of them die lonely and bitter.

The old saying: never go into business with someone in your family could also be re-worded to say: never go into business with someone who professes to by your friend, especially if you've observed these characteristics in them. If you do go into business with them prepare to be treated poorly especially if you disagree with them. It is especially egregious if it is someone you've known and trusted for some time.

So Camping's followers must feel seriously betrayed today. They woke up this morning with their emotions severely bruised, their dreams shattered, their pockets empty.  I detest the Machiavellian Camping's of the world, and although I have been ridiculing the idea of the rapture I do feel sorry for those people who woke up this morning with someone they thought was their friend having betrayed their trust. I've never bet on the god these people were betting on. I have, however been duped because I trusted someone's word.
So far betting on the existence or non-existence of a supreme being has been a bust for me. So I chose not to follow either school of thought. Both are dogmatic, both are blessed with people with superior attitudes, and the small fish invariable get eaten by the big fish who said: "trust me."

But Camping also said that the earth would be destroyed by a massive fireball sometime in October. In the words of the immortal Gilda Radner: "If it ain't on f ing thing its another."

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