Saturday, May 21, 2011

Have I missed the rapture?

Several 6p.m.'s in several time zones have come and gone on the 21st of May. That is the time and the day of the rapture as foretold by Reverend Camping in his latest prediction of the second coming. So, if the rapture started as predicted why didn't anyone notice? Were there so few people taken up in the time zones that have already hit or gone past the 6pm deadline that we didn't notice? If you subscribe to the notion of massive earthquakes around the Pacific Rim--as predicted by Camping--to warn of the rapture it would mean that the first rapture would have occurred in the Jukarta time zone (May 21st) while it was still May 20th in the western US. I didn't hear of anything but was it because there are more Hindus, Buddhists, and Muslims in that time zone, whom I assume don't believe in the rapture? There have not been any major earthquakes, tsunamis, or hordes of people dressed in white being launched into space.

Reverend Camping (source MSNBC today) is worth give or take a few donations, 78 million American dollars. According to MSNBC this morning he is alleged to have said he would not be here after the 21st. He was insinuating, I think, that he would be raptured, but he was careful not to specify that the rapture was his departure vehicle. Could he have meant a one-way ticket to the Cayman Islands or some other tax-free country with out extradition? Or was he just joking? Will that sly old fox stay and while recomputing his figures encourage his followers to give up even more in donations? After all the road to Paradise is paved in gold.

I suppose another reason the rapture hasn't yet started is that he's American and we're such an egotistical people that we think the world revolves around us. (stick that in your pipe and smoke it Copernicus) So it could happen at 6 pm Pacific time which is 7 hours away. I was planning on going fishing today but changed my mind. I hope it turns out that this decision was not a mistake.

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